Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Cave Time  Training

See Tentative Schedule for Play-Offs
  for the tentative schedule for times we could complete.

Today we watched from the first opening statement through 1:45:30 -- the Prosecution rests. 

Students received a handout to study:
   Standards of Professionalism and Code of Conduct 
We will play a game to review and test your knowledge of these next time.  

You can find the materials at
pages 7-9 or vi - viii 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Steps in a Trial


1.    The Opening of the Court   -- All rise for the honorable. . . .

2.    Opening Statement by the Plaintiff/Prosecution

3.    Opening Statement by the Defense

4.    Direct examination of  their first witness by an attorney for the  Plaintiff/Prosecution

5.    Cross-examination of the Plaintiff/Prosecution’s witness by a Defense Attorney

6.    Direct examination of  their second witness by an attorney for the  Plaintiff/Prosecution

7.    Cross-examination of the Plaintiff/Prosecution’s witness by a Defense Attorney

8.    Direct examination of  their third  witness by an attorney for the  Plaintiff/Prosecution

9.    Cross-examination of the Plaintiff/Prosecution’s witness by a Defense Attorney

10. Direct examination of  their first witness by an attorney for the Defense

11. Cross-examination of the Defense’s witness by a Plaintiff/Prosecution Attorney

12. Direct examination of  their second witness by an attorney for the Defense

13. Cross-examination of the Defense’s witness by a Plaintiff/Prosecution Attorney

14. Direct examination of  their third witness by an attorney for the Defense

15. Cross-examination of the Defense’s witness by a Plaintiff/Prosecution Attorney

16. (Redirect and Recross are optional after each cross examination.)

17. Closing Argument by the  Plaintiff/Prosecution

18. Closing Argument by Defense

19. Deliberation and Decision from the Judges

20.  Closing the Court:  “All rise. This Honorable Court is hereby adjourned.”

Tentative Schedule for Play-Offs

This is a tentative schedule for Mock Trial competitions.  It will be finalized after the coordinator has received all registrations.   Updated from 10-13 to 10-18

I'm highlighting days we may tentatively need to avoid because of activities sponsored by our own school: 
Let me know which days you are unavailable because of required school activities.

Middle School Competition Dates – Playoff Rounds:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Mornings/Afternoons/Evenings)
 February 20, February 21, February 22, February 23 (9:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-
3:30 p.m.), February 26, February 28
March 1, March 2  (9:00-11:30 a.m. and 1:00-3:30 p.m.), March 5
 February 26, March 5,  (5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.)

Elimination – Round of 16:
 March 6 (5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.)

Quarter Finals – 8 teams:
 March 13 (5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.)

Semi Finals – 4 teams:
 March 16 (1:00-3:30 p.m.)

Middle School Final 2 Teams:
 March 21 (5:30-8:30 p.m.)

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

October 11, 2017 -- Introduction to Mock Trial

Today students will receive applications and teacher recommendation sheets.

We will discuss what Mock Trial is and look at basically how one works.

Handbook PDF, PDF pages 20-25, handbook pages 11-16.

Today we watched from the first opening statement through 32:14.

Timing of Video:

Opening Statements --   20:41 to 28:00. 

Direct of Witness #1 for the prosecution
27:57 - 33:07
Cross 33:07 - 36:33

Direct of Witness #2 for the prosecution
36:36 - 40:11
Cross 40:11 - 43:25

Direct of Witness #3 for the prosecution
43:25 - 47:00
Cross  47:00 - 49:00
Redirect  49:00 - 49:26

Direct of Witness #1 for the defence
49:26 -
54:03 -- request that exhibit ___   be moved into evidence
Cross  54:27 -- 102:02

Closing Argument Prosecution
1:28:36 - 1:33:30
Closing Argument Defense 
1:33:40 -  1:39
Beyond a reasonable doubt
rebuttal Prosecution  1:39- 
Defense can choose to have the last word --rebuttal
Defense - rebuttal 

1:41  Decision