Thanks to Mr. Randy Lish, who as our real-life attorney coach was available to answer questions and who took time to come to a couple of our meetings to listen to the students, make suggestions, and teach them about how our legal system works. Attorney coaches play an important role for mock trial teams as they teach and guide while the student teams do the actual work of building their own cases.
Thank you to our school administration for all your support.
Thank you to Mr. Wicks for sharing from a grant funds that allow us to register each year, and for loaning us his calculators. (I will get them back to you, Ron!)
Thank you, Terese, for making our name tags!
A special thank you to the parents who support their children in this activity, and who come when they can to see our competitions -- and who loan each other change for parking meters. I thank you, too, for raising such great kids!
Thank you to teachers who are patient with students who didn't get quite get their homework done because they were writing an opening or closing statement or questions or studying a witness statement, and who missed class to participate in competitions.
Thanks to Gayle Hansen who allowed the Mock Trial kids to split after-school time between mock trial practice and play practice.
Thanks, Fantasy Writers, for sharing the classroom on Wednesdays!
Thanks, Celeste, for doing such a fine job as a sub while I was at competitions.
Thank you to Utah Law Related Education for providing this wonderful opportunity for students throughout the state. Their stated purpose is
To provide law related and citizenship education for
You can visit their web site at