Tuesday, February 24, 2015


  • after school Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • cavetime Wednesday and Thursday
  • competition this Friday

Please see the ideas we have put together at Most Important Points for Each Witness. These may be helpful.

Plaintiff Witnesses: 
Parker Smith is male while Johnson and Sanchez are female.

Our second competition will be on Friday, February 27.
Meet in the Administrative Conference Room -- go through the front office. 

Students should be at the school, ready to board the bus by 8:00 am.  Again the trial begins at 9:00 am and is scheduled to go until noon.
Again, if there is time, we may stop for lunch, so I encourage students to bring some money just in case.   We plan to be back at the school by 12:30.

  The location of the trial is Sandy Justice Court at 210 West Sego Lily Drive, Sandy.   Parking was easy last year, available right at the court house.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Meeting, February 20

Breaking News:

There will be a meeting Saturday, February 20 at the school at 11:30 am.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Competition

Congratulations on doing a great job on our first competition.

Come to our Meetings

We are meeting Wednesday during Cavetime in Mrs. McNeil's room.
Wednesday after school in Ms. Dorsey's room.
Thursday during Cavetime in Ms. Dorsey's room.
Thursday after school in Ms. Dorsey's room.
Friday after school in Ms. Dorsey's room.

Our next competition is a week from Friday!

Wiki Link

Here is the link for our team wiki:  http://cavemocktrial2015.pbworks.com/w/page/91752837/FrontPage

Friday, February 13, 2015

First Competition

Breaking News:

Practice at 10 am tomorrow, Saturday the 14th with Ms. McNeil--

  Plan to be there.  Please call any team members for whom you have a phone number to encourage them to come!  

Reminders -- from the note you received in class today:Our competition is on Tuesday, and all team members must come. Witnesses who are not in the competition tomorrow will watch and take notes on those who are portraying the same part, questions asked, answers given, etc. Our alternates also need to be there: Tyler and Suzanne.
Notice the early time that you need to be ready to board the bus. 

Students should be at the school, ready to board the bus by 7:45 am.

Come earlier than that.  Come to the Counseling Computer Lab. The doors to the Counseling Office will be open at 7:30. 

Our trial begins at 9:00 am and is scheduled to go until noon. 

Do not forget to pay your bus fees.  If you didn't get them in, you may next week.
With many thanks from Ms. Dorsey