§ 6th grade – Jamie was given the nickname “Jam”
§ Casey has known Cris for several years.
§ Cris’s username last year was Shokwave.
§ Students had signed and turned in Usage Policy forms.
§ Cris, Casey, and Jamie in U.S. History class – chatroom is for that.
§ Cris’s username for this year is FatalFlaw
§ Cris answered a question incorrectly in class and Jamie answered it. Cris seemed visibly upset. He was staring at Us from across the room. – Casey
Jamie says Cris was staring at Jamie for the rest of class that day.
Cris answered a question incorrectly in class and Jamie answered it.
§ After that Cris spread a rumor about Jamie.
(Friends told me) – Jamie
Around the end of September
§ Jamie says she started seeing references to jammin’ for jamchat – referred to Jamie in witness statement
apparently used by more than one person
September --
jammin’ so my friends knew and others who knew me knew that jamming referred to Jamie
October 8 –
FatalFlaw: Jammin has been seen wearing the same hoodie all week. Think blood won’t show on those dark colors? (Fatal Flaw is claiming to know who jammin’ is -- - Cris admits
Jamie says that people wear the hoodies all week long, but Cris only mentions Jammin/Jamie
FatalFlaw: No, but looks like it. Have you seen the CHS hoodie; it’s nasty! (Is she/he talking about the hoodie in general or on jammin’s hoodie?) Fatal is insulting jammin’ trying to get a rise out of jammin’
Cannonball and Hughes both comment that is weird, strange –
In her witness statement, Jamie says those statements were about her. (#10)
She doesn’t think much of it – wondering who is saying those strange things.
Cris recognizes that someone is standing up for Jammin’ so leaves
October 13 at lunch – apple thrown at Jamie – Cris admits laughing. Casey says Cris was laughing and staring at them. Jamie says “looking.” Casey says “staring.”
October 13 3:22 +
FatalFlaw is corrected by Jammin again – about reading assignment –
then exited immediately after the correction
October 14 -- second transmission?
Shockwave: Cris admits 4:46
anticipation, fear, jam their face hard into the ground
Yankee – saying these are strange comments – people just don’t talk like that – other people in the chat room recognize that.
Aware of FatalFlaw . . . . 4:51
25 minute lapse -- actually 20 minutes –
Cris --
Shockwave: You can keep your friends close, but there is no amount of “Jammin” that will help avoid your fate. 5:11
Shockwave: Jammin, my friend, you still there.
then jammin exits
Yankeegirl, Hughes, Cannonball didn’t log out either
Loren claims that on that day there was a lapse of 25 minutes (actually 20) and that someone else could have logged on as Shockwave. (But it doesn’t look as if Cris had logged off. ) –
so Cris is admitting to using both accounts?
* Casey tells Jamie to contact the office. She confirms this in planner notes and in witness statement. (inappropriate and malicious)
October 15
FatalFlaw makes Jammin rammin statement right after Jammin enters the chatroom.
Cris denies “Jammin’ Rammin” statement at 3:42
Hughes recognizes that statement was inappropriate.
Jammin does too.
Fatal Flaw 3:45
Cris denies “all in good fun. . . . uptight. . . suffocate
at about 3:50 Jamie reports to the office
Pat and Cris say they were working together today at the time the messages from FatalFlaw were sent?
Pat and Cris say they were working together today at the time the messages from FatalFlaw were sent?
time is unknown for sending or receipt of private message from Shokwave – (which Cris does not mention nor deny in witness statement
“I may just lose control. . . locked away safe. . . willing to take the chance, injured, dead”
October 18 – Cris Robertson’s account was shut down (from Casey’s notes: How does Casey know? Casey says “continue using chatroom like normal – does she mean both she and Jamie? Had they stopped?) How does Casey know that administration left Cris’s chatroom password active?
Additional notes:
Additional notes:
Usage agreement states that if you think that someone is using your account, you should change the password -- Exhibit E usage agreement – bottom paragraph
apple throwing – can’t prove that he threw the apple
but he enjoys seeing Jamie almost get hurt
(take care of his problem while he’s still a minor)
more motive to target Jamie – corrected about pages on assignment
Chris admits
using shokwave – using both accounts
posted clearly pointing at Jamie
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